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GMI Tokenomics

1. Introduction

GMI is the native token of the GonnaMakeIt NFT Marketplace, with the token tentatively expected to release in H2 2025. GMI will have numerous rounds of airdrops for the purpose of jump-starting the marketplace’s user base as well as attracting projects to benefit from GonnaMakeIt’s industry leading security - protecting both creator royalties, as well as protecting assets from theft to a level no other.

After the airdrop, we will provide powerful incentives for users to lock-up their tokens in GonnaMakeIt farming pools. This creates deep liquidity for GMI and significantly reduces available market supply.

Our goal with tokenomics is to maximize user capture and maximize token price as well. While other NFT marketplace airdrops have been successful, there were several extremely valuable components they missed, which we have implemented in our model. Besides that, we pride ourselves on the quality of our products which we’ve proven over the years, including having a platform with exceptional design, user experience, and top-notch support and the best anti-cybercrime security protocols in the space.

1.1. Major Advantages of the GMI vs. Competitors

  • Powerful lock-up incentives to maximize token price. The majority of the GMI tokens (69%) are released through farming rewards, with rewards skewed strongly towards those locking for long periods of time (i.e. 6.9 years). This significantly reduces the available token supply. Our major competitors did not implement such a lock-up model and thus have faced significant selling pressure, reducing the valuation of their tokens.

  • No incentivized wash trading. All of our incentives are geared towards real value adds (such as increasing liquidity for the GMI-ETH trading pair and liquidity incentives NFTs listed on GonnaMakeIt).

  • Security. GonnaMakeIt will benefit from Energi’s industry-leading security, in which we have virtually eliminated blockchain crime. Given crime is the worst problem facing NFTs, the GonnaMakeIt Marketplace is a disruptor in the NFT space and hugely valuable to the many brands who want to get involved in NFTs.

2. Emission Schedule

A total of 100 Billion GMI tokens will be minted over 33 years. The GMI tokens will be minted on the Ethereum chain as a utility token. Part of the minting will be on a scheduled basis to fund the Treasury. The remainder will be minted when users claim their rewards. A smart contract will govern the release schedule and cap the total emission to 100 Billion GMI tokens over 33 years.

In the first year, 10 Billion GMI tokens will be minted, with the emission reduced by 10% each year (thus 9 Billion GMI in year 2, 8.1 Billion GMI in year 3, etc.). All unclaimed or unminted tokens will be minted in the 33rd year.

The graph below shows the projected emission of GMI tokens over the 33 years.

3. GMI Token Allocation

CategoryDescription% SupplyTotal GMI
Seed RoundFunds allocated to Seed Round investors.0.5%500,000,000
AirdropFunds allocated to the Airdrop program.0.5%500,000,000
Initial TreasuryFunds available for use by the Treasury 3 months after the token generation event.1%1,000,000,000
TreasuryFunds allocated for investors, product development, marketing, ecosystem adaptation, team incentives and growth, NFT liquidity rewards, and liquidity for GMI liquidity pools.29%29,000,000,000
Farming RewardsFunds allocated for GMI Farming Rewards which incentivizes investors locking up liquidity in the GMI-ETH & GMI-NRG liquidity pools for periods of 6 months up to 6.9 years. Tokens will be paid out at the end of lock-up periods.69%69,000,000,000
Total Supply100%100,000,000,000

4. Platform Fee Distribution

GonnaMakeIt will initially launch on the Energi blockchain. Platform fees will be 1.9% at launch (minus referral rewards), but will gradually reduce over time as needed to remain competitive. On the Ethereum blockchain, most NFT trade fees will be paid in ETH. On the Energi blockchain, most fees will be paid in NRG.

4.1. GonnaMakeIt on the Ethereum Blockchain

4.2. GonnaMakeIt on the Energi Blockchain

5. GMI Token Distribution

5.1. Seed Round

Only 0.5% of the total token supply (500 Million GMI) is available to seed investors. The seed round token allocation will be fully unlocked from the time the token launches, though seed round investors have the opportunity to participate in locking up tokens in the farming pools if they choose.

5.2. Initial Treasury

1 Billion GMI tokens will be initially minted and allocated to the Treasury. These tokens will be used as needed to kick-start GonnaMakeIt’s growth.

​5.3. Treasury

29 Billion GMI (29% of the 100 Billion GMI tokens maximum supply) are allocated for the Treasury. These tokens will be released gradually in proportion to the rest of the coin emissions. To extrapolate: In year one, 2.9 Billion tokens will be released to the Treasury (of the total 29 Billion tokens emitted). The funds from the Treasury will pay for product development, marketing, ecosystem adaptation, team incentives and growth, NFT liquidity rewards, and liquidity to GMI token liquidity pools.

​5.4.​ Airdrop

500 Million tokens will be distributed in GMI Airdrop seasons.

Season 1 was conducted in 2022 and incentivized Opensea volume, future airdrops will be based on different factors such as X activity, alongside bonuses that can be earned for social media activities.

We have numerous seasons of airdrops planned for GMI until the token launches, tentatively scheduled for H2 2025. All unclaimed tokens will be sent to the Treasury.

5.5 Airdrop Referral Program

The purpose of the Airdrop Referral Program is to maximize awareness of the airdrop and ultimately to maximize the community size. A user can invite friends and family to the GMI Marketplace Airdrop and in return, receive GMI tokens for the referral if the referee qualifies for the airdrop. Users will get a 20% bonus on the airdrop of those they successfully refer, and the referee will also receive a 20% bonus. Thus both parties benefit. Additionally, referral bonuses go three levels deep, so friends-of-friends can also benefit from high-value referrals in their extended network.

Level 1 Referee20%
Level 2 Referee10%
Level 3 Referee5%

5.6.​ Farming Rewards

Farming rewards are the bulk of coin emission and have been thoughtfully designed in that those who are locking up for 6.9 years will receive triple-digit APYs for what we expect to be at least several years.

Farming rewards are earned by users locking up Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens which they receive from providing liquidity to the GMI-ETH and GMI-NRG liquidity pools on Uniswap and Energiswap. The rewards are strongly skewed to longer lock-up periods to maximize token valuation. Rewards multiply when they are locked up for a longer period. For example, a user will earn a higher Annual Percentage Yield (APY) by locking their tokens for two years vs. a user who locks up their tokens for one year, claims their reward at the end of the one year, and then locks up for another one year. Thus, it is more advantageous to lock up for a more extended period than lock up for shorter periods and compound.

To farm LP tokens, a user must first provide liquidity to the GMI-ETH pool on Uniswap or GMI-NRG pool on Uniswap. After doing so, users can lock-up the LP tokens in one of the farming pools listed below. Important note – Users must lock-up the LP tokens for the entire duration and cannot withdraw their funds before the farming pool period ends. Users will also continue to accrue rewards from fees from the liquidity pools while farming LP tokens.

Farming PoolsMultiplier
6 Months0.3x
1 Year0.5x
2 Years1x
3 Years3x
5 Years10x
6.9 Years69x

LP tokens will be in an unlocked state once the farming pool ends, allowing users to claim the rewards. Users will need to lock-up the unlocked LP tokens in a farming pool again to start a new farming period.

​5.7.​ Listing Rewards

GonnaMakeIt has a reward program for providing NFT listings and bids on the GonnaMakeIt Marketplace. These rewards will be paid out in GMI Loyalty Points, which will be convertible to GMI tokens. The amount of rewards will adjust and vary based on market forces as well based on which collections are most in-demand, allowing GMI to effectively incentivize users to provide liquidity for NFT trades.