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GMI Tokenomics

1. Introduction

GMI is the native token of the GonnaMakeIt NFT Marketplace, with the token tentatively expected to release in H2 2025. GMI will have numerous rounds of airdrops for the purpose of jump-starting the marketplace by incentivizing a variety of activities including incentives for launching collections, bidding,listing and trading, social media activities and bridging and locking liquidity on the Energi blockchain. GonnaMakeIt users benefit from Energi’s industry leading security - protecting creator royalties,protecting assets from theft, and protecting creators from risks such as contract hacks or other matters which plague other blockchains.

After the TGE (token generation event), we will provide powerful incentives for users to lock-up their tokens in GonnaMakeIt farming pools, creating deep liquidity for GMI and significantly reducing available market supply.

Our goal with tokenomics is to maximize user use of our marketplace while concurrently maximizing value. Beyond this, we pride ourselves on the quality of our products which we’ve proven over the years, including having a platform with exceptional design, user experience, and top-notch support and the best anti-cybercrime security protocols in the space.

1.1. Major Advantages of the GMI vs. Competitors

  • Security. GonnaMakeIt will benefit from Energi’s industry-leading security, in which we have virtually eliminated blockchain crime including stopping theft, contract hacks, drainers, and more! Given that theft and royalty theft are two of the biggest problems in the NFT space, the GonnaMakeIt Marketplace is a major disruptor and contributor to the future of NFT commerce.

  • Focused incentives. GMI rewards the most important activities to the health of the marketplace including airdrops for:

    • Bringing liquidity to the Energi chain
    • Creators who launch their collections on GonnaMakeIt
    • Trading on GonnaMakeIt
    • Bidding & Listing NFTs
    • Bridging NFTs
    • And more!
  • Powerful lock-up mechanisms to maximize token price. The majority of the GMI tokens (69%) are released through farming rewards, with rewards skewed strongly towards those locking for long periods of time (i.e. 6.9 years). This significantly reduces the available token supply.

2. Minting Schedule

A total of 1 Trillion GMI tokens will be minted over 21 years. The GMI tokens will be minted on the Energi blockchain as a utility token. The minting will occur on a scheduled basis to fund the Treasury and Farming rewards. A smart contract will govern the release schedule and cap the total emission to 1 Trillion GMI tokens over 21 years.

In the first year, 10 Billion GMI tokens will be minted (in addition to the Day 1 circulating supply of 4 Billion GMI), and the emission schedule will follow the diagram below (see figure). All unclaimed or unminted tokens will be minted in the 21st year.

Year 114 Billion GMI
Year 220 Billion GMI
Year 330 Billion GMI
Year 440 Billion GMI
Year 550 Billion GMI
Year 660 Billion GMI
Year 770 Billion GMI
Year 8-2050 Billion GMI
Year 21116 Billion GMI
Total1 Trillion GMI

Note that these figures are subject to change and optimization before the TGE.

3. GMI Token Allocation

CategoryDescription% SupplyTotal GMI
Seed RoundFunds allocated to Seed Round investors.0.1%1,000,000,000
AirdropFunds allocated to the Airdrop program.0.1%1,000,000,000
Initial TreasuryFunds available for use by the Treasury after the token generation event.0.2%2,000,000,000
TreasuryFunds allocated for investors, product development, marketing, ecosystem adaptation, team incentives and growth, NFT liquidity rewards, and liquidity for GMI liquidity pools.30.6%306,000,000,000
Farming RewardsFunds allocated for GMI Farming Rewards which incentivizes investors to lock up liquidity in the GMI-ETH & GMI-NRG liquidity pools for periods of 1 year up to 6.9 years. Tokens will be paid out at the end of lock-up periods.69%690,000,000,000

4. Platform Fee Distribution

GonnaMakeIt will initially launch on the Energi blockchain. Platform fees are 1.9% at launch (minus referral rewards), but may gradually reduce over time as needed to remain competitive. Note that GonnaMakeIt includes a revenue-sharing program, incentivizing our users to invite their friends and share a healthy portion of our revenues.

5. GMI Token Distribution

5.1. Seed Round

Only 0.1% of the total token supply (1 Billion GMI) is available to seed investors. The seed round token allocation will be fully unlocked at the TGE. Seed round investors have the opportunity to participate in locking up tokens in farming pools immediately after the TGE.

5.2. Initial Treasury

2 Billion GMI tokens will be initially minted and allocated to the Treasury. These tokens will be used as needed to pay for immediate marketing and business development activities following GonnaMakeIt’s launch.

​5.3. Treasury

306 Billion GMI (30.6% of the 1 Trillion GMI maximum supply) are allocated for the Treasury. These tokens will be released gradually in proportion with the farming minting schedule. To extrapolate: In the first year, 3.06 Billion tokens will be released to the Treasury (of the total 306 Billion tokens emitted). The funds from the Treasury will pay for product development, marketing, additional airdrops, business development, exchange listings, team salaries and other operational expenses.

​5.4.​ Airdrop

1 Billion tokens will be distributed throughout GMI Airdrop seasons.

Season 1 took place in late 2022 and Season 2 began July 4, 2024. We have an exciting series of Airdrop seasons planned for GMI until the TGE (token generation event) which is tentatively scheduled for H2 2025. All unclaimed tokens will be sent to the Treasury.

5.5 Airdrop Referral Program

The purpose of the Airdrop Referral Program is to maximize awareness of the airdrop and ultimately to maximize the community size. A user can invite friends and family to the GMI Marketplace Airdrop and in return, receive GMI tokens for the referral if the referee qualifies for the airdrop. Users will get a 30% bonus on the airdrop of those they successfully refer, and the referee will also receive a 30% bonus. Thus both parties benefit by referring others. Additionally, referral bonuses go three levels deep, so friends-of-friends can also benefit from high-value referrals in their extended network.

Level 1 Referee30%
Level 2 Referee20%
Level 3 Referee10%

5.6.​ Farming Rewards

Farming rewards make up the bulk of GMI’s minting schedule and have been thoughtfully designed in that those who are locking up their GMI in liquidity pools for the long duration programs will receive very lucrative triple-digit APYs for what we expect to be at least several years.

Farming rewards are earned by users locking up Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens which they receive from providing liquidity to selected farming pools which include GMI and NRG as base pairs on Energiswap and Uniswap. The rewards are strongly skewed to longer lock-up periods to reward long term holders.

To farm LP tokens, a user must first provide liquidity to the participating liquidity pairs. After doing so, users can lock-up the LP tokens in one of the farming pools listed below. Important note – Users must lock-up the LP tokens for the entire duration and cannot withdraw their funds before the farming pool period ends. Users will also continue to accrue rewards from fees from the liquidity pools while farming LP tokens.

Farming PoolsMultiplier
1 Years0.1x
3 Years1x
6.9 Years69x

When the farming pool ends, LP tokens will be in an unlocked state allowing users to claim the rewards. Users will need to lock-up the unlocked LP tokens in a farming pool again to start a new farming period.