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GMI Airdrop Season 3

1. Description

The GMI NFT Marketplace, built on the world’s safest blockchain, Energi, offers unparalleled security and 100% royalty protection for creators. Its key features include 24/7 asset protection, guaranteed royalties for creators, platform rewards to traders, and a seamless process for launching NFT collections, ensuring a robust and user-friendly experience for all participants. A total of 1 billion GMI tokens is reserved for Season 3. With Season 1 and 2 complete, we’re gearing up for more seasons until the Token Generation Event (TGE) in late 2025.

2. Boosters

Boosters are activities which when activated get you multipliers. The multiplier is applied to all Airdrop categories.

2.1. NRG Diamond Hands

The table below lists the bonuses for holding NRG across all your linked accounts.

NRG HoldingAdditional Bonus
≥ 250,000 NRG100%
≥ 100,000 NRG and < 250,000 NRG69%
≥ 25,000 NRG and < 100,000 NRG50%
≥ 5,000 NRG and < 25,000 NRG40%
≥ 1,000 NRG and < 5,000 NRG30%
≥ 200 NRG and < 1,000 NRG20%

2.2. Aped-in Bonus

The Aped-in Bonus is based on your ranking as compared to other users when you complete all of these activities

You will earn 100 points plus the ranking bonus:

User RankingBonus
First 1,00050% Bonus
Next 3,00040% Bonus
Next 6,00035% Bonus
Next 10,00030% Bonus
Next 20,00025% Bonus
Next 69,00022% Bonus
Next 420,00020% Bonus

Example: If you are the 50th person who completes any of the above activities you will receive an additional 50% airdrop bonus on top of all your base X points.

2.3. Early Degen Bonus

To qualify for the Early Degen Bonus you need to sign up for the Energi Newsletter. The earlier you sign up the higher your bonus.

Joining WeekBonus
1st week30% Bonus
2nd week25% Bonus
3rd week20% Bonus
4th week10% Bonus

Example: If you sign up in the 1st week of the airdrop, you will receive an additional 30% airdrop bonus on top of all your base points.

2.4. Zealy Bonus

Participants can claim a 30% Bonus to their base points by simply joining the Energi Zealy Crew and validating it on Boosters.

2.5. Referral Bonus

The GMI Airdrop Referral Bonus is a powerful, simple and multi-tier rewards program distinct from the ongoing GMI Marketplace Referral Rewards program. For Season 3, when you use a friend’s referral link, you will earn a 30% bonus on your base rewards.

2.6. Spread the Word Bonus

The Spread the Word Bonus is meant to reward you for spreading the word about the release of GonnaMakeIt Marketplace to your friends and family. The more Level 1 Referee you secure through your referral link the more you will be rewarded.

The table below lists the bonus amount you can earn based on the number of people you refer:

People ReferredBonus
≥ 1 and < 310%
≥ 3 and < 1020%
≥ 10 and < 3030%
≥ 30 and < 10040%
≥ 10050%

2.7. Tweet Bonus

Season 3 is packed with rewards! Over the next 4 weeks, you can unlock a 20% bonus every week just by sharing a tweet about the Airdrop on X!

No need to stress over crafting the perfect tweet – we've already written it for you! All you need to do is claim your booster.

Stay consistent and stack up a massive 80% bonus by completing the Tweet Bonus each week. Don’t miss out on these extra rewards!

2.8. Maximum Booster Bonus

You can earn the following booster bonus:

Booster Bonuses = NRG Diamond Hands (max: 100%)
+ Aped-in Bonus (max: 50%)
+ Early Degen Bonus (max: 30%)
+ Zealy Bonus (max: 30%)
+ Referral Bonus (max: 30%)
+ Spread the Word Bonus (max: 50%)
+ Tweet Bonus (max: 80%)
= 370% (max)

3. Referral Rewards

Everytime someone uses your referral link, you will reserve 30% of their base points (Level 1 Referee).

For any of your Level 1 Referees who secure their own referrals, you earn an additional 20% of the base points of the Level 2 Referee.

If the Level 2 Referee gets their own batch of referrals to sign up to the airdrop, you reserve another 10% of the Level 3 Referee’s base points.

There’s no cap on how many people a user can add to their referral group. Note that this bonus applies across all airdrop activities!

RecipientsMulti-Tier Reward
Level 1 Referee30%
Level 2 Referee20%
Level 3 Referee10%

Example A: For simplicity, let’s consider we have 4 users in the Token Hodler Airdrop. Each of them has reserved a base reward. User A refers User B, User B refers User C and User C refers User D. The following table illustrates how much total Referral Bonus each will be able to claim.

User AUser BUser CUser D
Base Points (a)10001005030
Level 1 Referee (30%)= 100 x 30%
= 30
= 50 x 30%
= 15
= 30 x 30%
= 9
Level 2 Referee (20%)= 50 x 20%
= 10
= 30 x 20%
= 6
Level 3 Referee (10%)= 30 x 10%
= 3
Total Point from Referral (b)432190
Total Base Points (c = a +b)1,0431215930

Example B: In this example, let’s consider we have 4 users in the Token Hodler Airdrop. All but User A has reserved a base reward. User A refers User B, User B refers User C and User C refers User D. The following table illustrates how much total Referral Bonus each will be able to claim.

User AUser BUser CUser D
Base Points (a)01005030
Level 1 Referee (30%)= 100 x 30%
= 30
= 50 x 30%
= 15
= 30 x 30%
= 9
Level 2 Referee (20%)= 50 x 20%
= 10
= 30 x 20%
= 6
Level 3 Referee (10%)= 30 x 10%
= 3
Total Point from Referral (b)432190
Total Base Points (c = a +b)431215930

4. Airdrops

Season 3 will see 11 million tokens allocated across the following categories. Activities across each category earn you points, convertible to GMI Tokens at the TGE.

CategoryTokens AllocatedGemstone
NFT Volume Airdrop1M GMIDiamonds
X Airdrop1M GMIAmethysts
Liquidity Airdrop1M GMISapphires
Creators Airdrop1M GMIQuartz
Trader Airdrop1M GMITopaz
Token Hodler Airdrop1M GMIRubies
NFT Hodler Airdrop1M GMIAether
Zealy Airdrop1M GMIPearls
NFT Portfolio Value Airdrop1M GMIEmeralds
NFT Bridging Airdrop1M GMIMoonstones
Bidding and Listing Airdrop1M GMIMana

4.1. NFT Volume Airdrop

1M GMI will be proportionally distributed to all who have volume from sales on OpenSea, Blur and Magic Eden. The sales can be in ETH and WETH. The volume is measured from when the marketplaces started till August 15, 2024. For 1 ETH volume, you will earn 10,000 base Diamonds.

Booster Bonus and Referral Rewards are added to the base Diamonds.

4.2. X Airdrop

Earn Amethysts by tweeting about GMI Marketplace and tagging @gonnamakeitNFTs. Once the GonnaMakeItNFTs account likes your tweet, you'll earn points for every view it receives throughout Season 3. We support content creators and to honor their work we will be reaching out to good content creators, so make sure your DM's are open. Following are the content guidelines:

  1. Create appealing content centered around GMI Marketplace and Energi.
  2. Content can be a post, a meme, a short video, or a combination.
  3. Keep content concise and engaging with clean captions and audio.
  4. Keep content entertaining, educative and spreading positive vibes about GMI
  5. Be timely by utilizing trending stories relevant to GMI Marketplace and Energi.
  6. If you tag founders or team members your tweet needs relevant content around them.
  7. Avoid Reusing the same media or content.
  8. Avoid quoting or tweeting old posts to boost views.
  9. Avoid Inorganic views (bots, spam, ads) as tweets found engaging in these activities will be invalidated.
  10. Avoid speculating on the GMi token price and farming it.
  11. Avoid discrimination, offensive language, drugs, or nudity.

4.2.1. XP Level Up Bonus

To incentivize engagement, we have introduced the XP Level Up Bonus Reward. Each view on your X Post (XP) earns you 1 Ruby. Your total Amethysts will be the sum of all views across all tweets you post during Season 3.

As users progress through levels, they earn additional points and bonuses. Each level requires a specific number of Amethysts to reach, with bonuses awarded accordingly.

Example: 1. To reach Level 2, you need 100 Amethysts and receive a 1% bonus 2. To reach Level 50, you need 62,500 Amethysts and receive a 50% bonus

These bonuses are applied to your base Amethysts (from your total views) to calculate your total Amethysts. The formula is:

Total Amethysts = Base Amethysts x (1 + Bonus %)

This system makes it highly rewarding to stay active and progress through the levels, enhancing your engagement experience.

4.3. Liquidity Airdrop

The Liquidity Airdrop started in Season 2 and will continue until the TGE event. If you have not already, don’t despair! Bridge the following tokens into the Energi Chain and add them to the supported liquidity pools:

  • ETH
  • DAI
  • USDC
  • USDT, and/or
  • PEPE

Supported liquidity pools on Energiswap:

  • NRG-USDT, and/or

The total liquidity added earns 2 base Sapphires per day per USD value locked. To qualify, you MUST first bridge the supported tokens into the Energi chain and then add them to the pools. Any liquidity added prior to the bridging of the tokens will not earn any Sapphires.

We will also reward users for adding liquidity to the NRG-ETH pair on Uniswap. It will earn 1 base Sapphires per day per USD value locked.

4.2.1. Hodl Days Bonus

You will earn a multiplier for the number of days you hodl the liquidity in the pools. The multiplier is applied to the base Sapphires every 15 minutes.

4.2.2. Booster Multiplier Bonus

If you hodl the liquidity in the pool for a longer duration, you will earn a booster multiplier that will be added to your base liquidity points. Hodling for longer days yields huge benefits as the multiplier will apply to all Sapphires held in that liquidity pool position. Note that if you move funds out of the liquidity pool the bonus on those will be lost so be sure to hold long term to maximize your benefits!

Lock in DurationBooster Multiplier
≥ 90 Days < 180 Days2x
≥ 180 Days < 365 Days4x
≥ 36510x

4.2.3. Liquidity Airdrop Referral Bonus

Users will receive bonus Sapphires for referring friends and family who provide liquidity in the pools. The referral bonus is three levels deep. The referrer will receive a percentage of the Sapphires earned by their referrals.

Referral LevelLiquidity Airdrop
Referral Bonus Percentage
Level 130%
Level 220%
Level 310%
Total Liquidity Airdrop Sapphires = (Sapphires From Adding Liquidity x Hodl Days x Booster Multiplier) + Liquidity Airdrop Referral Bonus

4.2.4. Removing liquidity

If you remove liquidity the Sapphire you earned will remain, however your multiplier will be reset for any new liquidity you add to the liquidity pool.

4.2.5. Example: Base Liquidity Points

Liquidity Airdrop Rewards at 365th day
User Total Liquidity: $1000
    $500 worth of liquidity on Energiswap
    $500 worth of liquidity on Uniswap.
Start Date:   January 1st
Hodl Days:   365

Reminder: Users get 2x Sapphires on Energiswap and 1x Sapphire on Uniswap liquidity pools

Daily Base Liquidity Sapphires1,500
($500 on Energiswap / $500 on Uniswap)
Sapphires from < 90 days hodl135,000
Sapphires from ≥ 90 days < 180 days hodl270,000
Sapphires from ≥ 180 days < 365 days hodl1,104,000
Sapphires from ≥ 365 days hodl15,000
Total Sapphires earned at the end of the 365th day1,524,000

4.2.6. Example: Base Liquidity Plus Bonus

Base Liquidity Airdrop Sapphires1,524,000
Booster Sapphires (Max 290%):4,419,600
Referral Sapphires:
    Level 1's Trading Sapphires: 1,000,000 (30%)300,000
    Level 2's Trading Sapphires: 500,000 (20%)100,000
    Level 3's Trading Sapphires: 100,000 (10%)10,000
Total Sapphires for Trader Airdrop6,353,600

4.4. Creators Airdrop

We have a dedicated airdrop program for NFT Collections where points will be allocated to collections launching on the GMI NFT Marketplace. Eligible collections will earn 1 Quartz per 1 NRG in volume. This program rewards creators for their contributions to the marketplace, encouraging the launch of new and exciting collections. The more volume your collection generates in NRG, the more Quartz you earn!

4.5. Trader Airdrop

This program incentivizes active trading and rewards users for their contributions to the GMI NFT Marketplace's liquidity and activity. Trade NFTs listed on the marketplace to earn Topaz. For every 1 NRG volume generated, you will earn 1 Topaz. An activity qualifies for a trade when a user successfully buys an NFT.

Additionally the trader will earn bonus Topaz from their referrals (30% for Level 1, 20% for Level 2 and 10% for Level 3 referral).

Booster Bonus and Referral Rewards are added to the base Topaz.

4.6. Token Hodler Airdrop

Users will earn Rubies for holding tokens on various chains. Even if they do not hold any of the tokens, they will be rewarded for any of their referrals holding these tokens!

4.6.1. Base Point

The table below lists the tokens and how the points are calculated for the respective tokens.

The snapshots were taken at the blocks:
    Ethereum Snapshot Block: 20696063
    Blast Snapshot Block: 8435113

TokenToken NameChainRubies
ETHEthereumEthereum1 ETH = 10,000 Rubies
UNIUniswapEthereum1 UNI = 100 Rubies
BLASTBlastBlast1 BLAST = 2 Rubies
BLURBlurEthereum1 BLUR = 20 Rubies
PACPacMoonBlast1 PAC = 4 Rubies
PEPEPepeEthereum10,000 PEPE = 1 Ruby
MOGMog CoinEthereum10,000 MOG = 1 Ruby
SHIBShiba InuEthereum10,000 SHIB = 1 Ruby
MAGATrumpEthereum1 MAGA = 50 Rubies
POOHPoohEthereum1M POOH = 1 Ruby
TURBOTurboEthereum10 TURBO = 1 Ruby
FLOKIFlokiEthereum10,000 FLOKI = 1 Ruby
USDCUSDCEthereum1 USDC = 5 Rubies
LINKChainLinkEthereum1 LINK = 100 Rubies
KEKECKekecEthereum100 KEKEC = 1 Ruby
COMPCompoundEthereum1 COMP = 500 Rubies
LDOLidoEthereum1 LIDO = 10 Rubies
MKRMakerEthereum1 MKR = 10,000 Rubies
GRTThe GraphEthereum1 GRT = 2 Rubies
SANDSandboxEthereum1 SAND = 4 Rubies
SUSHISushiEthereum1 SUSHI = 10 Rubies
CRVCurveEthereum1 CRV = 5 Rubies
BALBalancerEthereum1 BAL = 40 Rubies
MANABalancerEthereum1 BAL = 40 Rubies

Booster Bonus and Referral Rewards are added to the base Rubies.

4.7. NFT Hodler Airdrop

4.7.1. Base Points

Participants can earn Aether by connecting their wallet based on the following NFTs held on the chains before the snapshot date of September 9, 2024 (block number 20713231 on the Ethereum chain).

NFT CollectionSymbolChainAether
Dragon DegensDDEthereum1 DD = 50K Aether
Bored Ape Yacht ClubBYACEthereum1 BAYC = 1M Aether
Mutant Ape ClubMAYCEthereum1 MAYC = 200K Aether
QuirkiesQUIRKEthereum1 QUIRK = 200K Aether
WumbologistWUMBOEthereum1 WUMBO = 200K Aether
Nonco DucksNONCOEthereum1 NONCO = 8K Aether

Booster Bonus and Referral Rewards are added to the base Aether.

4.8. Zealy Airdrop

Join the Energi Zealy Crew and start earning Pearls by completing tasks. Your Pearls will convert into GMI tokens at the Token Generation Event (TGE), giving you a stake in our growing ecosystem.

But that’s not all! Boost your Pearls by completing special Booster Tasks and multiply your rewards. Plus, refer friends to Zealy and watch your Pearls stack up even faster through GMI Referral Rewards.

At the end of Airdrop Season 3, you’ll be able to check your total Pearls and see just how much you’ve earned. Don’t miss out --- get involved, earn Pearls, and secure your GMI tokens!

Booster Bonus and Referral Rewards are added to the base Pearls.

4.9. NFT Portfolio Value Airdrop

Grow Your NFT Portfolio and Claim your GMI Rewards!

Join the NFT Portfolio Value Airdrop and earn your share of 1 million GMI tokens just by hodling NFTs from the Dragon Degens and Genesis Gems collections listed on the GMI Marketplace. 1 NRG value of your NFT portfolio equals 1 Emerald per day. Simply HODL the NFTs in your portfolio, and you'll accumulate Emeralds that contribute to your share of the total GMI reward pool. The greater the value of the hodling of these NFTs in your portfolio, the greater your rewards at the end of the season!

Booster Bonus and Referral Rewards are added to the base Emeralds.

4.10. NFT Bridging Airdrop

Bridge your NFTs and get rewarded in GMI!

Earn your share of 1 million GMI tokens in the Season 3 NFT Bridging Airdrop. You earn Moonstones towards the airdrop by bridging eligible NFT collections from Ethereum or Polygon through the GMI NFT Bridge. A snapshot will be taken to assess this NFT value, and you’ll receive 1 Moonstone for every $1 worth of NFTs bridged. At the end of the season, your accumulated Moonstones will convert into GMI tokens so you can claim your share of the 1 million GMI token pool!

NFT CollectionSymbolChain
Dragon DegensDDEthereum
Bored Ape Yacht ClubBYACEthereum
Mutant Ape ClubMAYCEthereum

Booster Bonus and Referral Rewards are added to the base Moonstones.

4.11. Bidding and Listing Airdrop

Boost your earnings by listing your NFTs on the GMI Marketplace and participating in the GMI NFT Listing Airdrop. You will earn base Mana equal to the floor price of the collection. In other words, if a collection floor price is 100 NRG, it's worth 100 base Mana. If its floor price is 1000 NRG, you will earn 1000 base Mana.

Booster Bonus and Referral Rewards are added to the base Mana.

5. Leaderboard Reward

Top 10 finishers in each leaderboard category will get big rewards. There are 11 Airdrop categories.

1st Place100,000 GMI
2nd Place69,000 GMI
3rd Place50,000 GMI
4th Place40,000 GMI
5th Place35,000 GMI
6th Place30,000 GMI
7th Place25,000 GMI
8th Place20,000 GMI
9th Place15,000 GMI
10th Place10,000 GMI